仕 様Limited Edition USA Series, Baseballfans Exclusvie.Performancemeets strength. Under Armour’s Genuine Pro line of fielding gloves hasbeen developed to meet the needs and expectations of players from theprofessional to ultra-competitive travel levels. Evolving thetraditional craftsmanship methods, process improvements create a quickerbreak-in period without sacrificing durability. Every specialist thatplays a role in building these gloves is trained to understand theplayer and what they want from their glove. Japanese tanned leather withpremium cowhide linings provide the great feel to the go with thegame’s most popular patterns. Whether your workplace is a big leaguestadium or advancing through a bracket during the dog days of summer,GENUINE PRO suits you. 11.75in. Pitcher Infield ModelJapanese tanned steer hidePremium cowhide palm and finger linings for quicker break-inPremium grade, US tanned lacingRolled leather welting for long lasting shape
アメリカ国内正規品の直輸入品です。Japanese tanned leather.Premium cowhide
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*他にもUSA NIKE・プロテクター出品しておりますのでよろしっかたらご覧下さい。
仕 様Limited Edition USA Series, Baseballfans Exclusvie.Performancemeets strength. Under Armour’s Genuine Pro line of fielding gloves hasbeen developed to meet the needs and expectations of players from theprofessional to ultra-competitive travel levels. Evolving thetraditional craftsmanship methods, process improvements create a quickerbreak-in period without sacrificing durability. Every specialist thatplays a role in building these gloves is trained to understand theplayer and what they want from their glove. Japanese tanned leather withpremium cowhide linings provide the great feel to the go with thegame’s most popular patterns. Whether your workplace is a big leaguestadium or advancing through a bracket during the dog days of summer,GENUINE PRO suits you. 11.75in. Pitcher Infield ModelJapanese tanned steer hidePremium cowhide palm and finger linings for quicker break-inPremium grade, US tanned lacingRolled leather welting for long lasting shape